photographer, writer, free spirit


Monday Muse # 2

image - muse
Today was a long day.
 I still love Monday's though!
The company was good, :) Mom.
This cheered me up some too!
 Tall, Soy, Cinnamon Dolce', no whip = heaven in a cup (even in a to-go cup)

I've been looking for a cool scarf.. today I found this:

I was daydreaming about this:
Somebody please make me some! Pretty please!

lots more images and recipes - found here

What cheers you up?


  1. Coffee and cupcakes always cheer me up! Love the pictures

  2. Beautiful photograph; it looks like stars are falling into the mug. :) Starbucks always cheers me up.

  3. A bad cup of coffee can be depressing as well. The nearest Starbucks is an hour away, so I get happy when I can have it. I love this photo too.. I have to give credit where credit is due. I'd like to do my own version perhaps!

  4. Your photography is breath-taking! Thank you so much for sharing...and if you get any of those cupcakes made pass one along to me! ;)


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